Annual Present for Chinese New Year 1995
Year of the Pig

42cmx36,5cm, 2x2 fold, coppercoated paper-inlay
4-color offsetprint on 135g chlorenefree semi, edition 500

4-color offsetprint from frequency-modulated screen

©KilDe1995 - Idea, Design und Realisation by Joerg Kilian - in Macintosh applications: Adobe PhotoShop 3.01, Virtus TextureShop1.0, KPT2.1 und Macromedia FreeHand 5.0
Lithography on Scitex by Dunz-Wolff GmbH - printed in waterless offset by Offsetdruckerei Kaufmann, printed on 135g chlorene-free bleeched
Typeface: Monotype Plantin, linotype Copperplate - Photography Courtesy NASA / National Optical Astronomy Observatories - © Redshift / Maris

Early morning the 31st of January - chinese year of the pig started.
So did this little printed matter. There was quite some tazzle and hassle wtih new hard- and software components,
but finally a nice little "pigsty" came up.
We wish you a year of many good enterprises.

Pig,(n.) 1. domestic and wild animal(look: swine, boar, hog, sow), use its flesh(esp. roast pig) as meat(look: pork), "buy a pig in a poke", buy something without seeing it or knowing it's value. "bring ones pigs to the wrong market", fail in an undertaking (to sell something). "pigs might fly", wonders might happen. "pigheaded"(adj.), stubborn. So far my english dictionary...

Compared with the german encyclopedia - very concerned with biological definitions - the english reader seems to focus more on the "wild and low" values of the pig. The pig - still the wild boar - has been domesticized ages ago and gives us more than meat: manure. It recycles man's leftovers which becomes new fertile soil. Apart from that, the sow supplys hair for artist's brushes and blood for painting and pigments, ashes of the pig's bones as well as glue- and weatherproof coatings.

In many cultures the pig signalizes good luck - making pigs fly! In astrology the pig is associated with Jupiter - the bringer of wealth and abundance. The "pig's" personality is extremely self-willed and self-assuring. That type of optimist, who will manage to convince himself, that everything must be good for something!

The "pig" owns an innate attitude to approach wealth - generally showing off in nutrition-management and voluminous appearance. It has the ability to "refine gold from dust". It pronounces hidden wealth, ploughing the low grounds - the truffle-pig is the best picture! In tough times a hog is hard paying currency. In norwegian you find the proverbial "pigs in the forrest".

The chinese sign "pig"(niu) is referred to in horoscope as zhu. In 1995 it is related to ele-ment "wood". The 9th heavenly stem(jen) is the still water of lakes and ponds. Sun and mercury are the celestial representatives. The pig is in the north(palace of the black turtle) and yin. As the last sign in the cycle it is transcribed as "return to recreation".

Chinese Pig (linework), GIF 2560x1609,1-bit, 62,2K

Detail (stereo-3D), inside, middle, GIF 460x288, 8-bit, 121,4K

Detail, inside, upper right, JPEG 460x394, 24-bit, 115,3K

Detail, inside, upper left, JPEG 460x394, 24-bit, 172,7K

There are still some prints "Year of the Pig 1995" for SALE. Price is DM25,-/per print (incl. international mail) For ordering send a mail to, stating your name, address, number of prints and mode of payment.


last edited 10-03-96 by Joerg Kilian, © KilDe1996

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