Annual Present for Chinese New Year 1994
Year of the Dog

format 30,5cmx61cm, edition 150
artprint: two colors offset, one color serigraphy (copper) on Gmund Gampicolor 100g brilliantweiss.
coversheet: two colors offset on Buchungstransparent 70g

Through the northern winter,
ridgid forms of flown water;
spring rises green from the east,
mild winds breathing live.

The New Year of the chinese calendar begins on the second new moon after winter-solistice. Chinese astrology attaches to every year a zodiac sign of twelve animals and one of five elements, in cyclic repetition. Certain characteristics are related to the animals and elements.

1993 was the Year of the Rooster. The rooster is known to be of oldfashioned vanity - a proud cock. The year was in the element of Water - signified by the colour black, the northern direction and the winter.

On 10th of february 1994 the Year of the Dog supersedes the Year of the Rooster.

The dog is known as a shy and warm being - a real protector of moral. The element Wood relates to the colour green, the east and spring season.

We wish everyone an enthusiatic renewal for this year, which - not only for the "dogs" amongst us - may be a peaceful, happy and fruitful one.

Rooster (linework), GIF 2078x2630,1-bit, 80,9K

Dog (linework), GIF 1386x2148,1-bit, 90,3K

Layoutversion of Print (background), JPEG 492x984, 24-bit, 180,4K


last edited 10-03-96 by Joerg Kilian, © KilDe1996

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